Wildlife conservation plan for the impact zone of Etalin HEP, Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh
Wildlife conservation plan for the impact zone of Etalin HEP, Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh
The primary objectives of the study are: to determine the current status of wildlife habitat and distribution pattern of plants, entomofauna, fish, herpetofauna, birds and mammals within the impact zone of the Etalin hydroelectric project (EHEP) area covering multiple seasons; Status and distribution pattern of certain Rare, Endangered and other Threatened (RET) species in the impact zone of the EHEP; Identification of critical habitats, wildlife corridors and migratory paths of RET species in the impact zone; Assessment of the likely impacts due to the construction and operation of the EHEP and associated activities on flora, fauna and their habitats; Develop a Wildlife Conservation Plan in order to avoid/mitigate likely hydropower impacts and conserve key biodiversity areas and species. Based on the objectives of the study, an elaborate scope of work was developed to generate information relevant for developing information and knowledge base with reference to the different biological components included within the purview of consideration of this study.