Enable Block: 

Inspection report of Steel township of RSP (SAIL) of Sundargarh district dated 09/11/2009.

Analysis report of Rourkela Steel Plant & CPP-1, SAIL, Rourkela for the period April-June 2009. It is observed that the pH of lagoon outlet is remaining in the acidic range and CRM outfall needs to be further neutralized.The TSS from the lagoon outlet needs to be brought down to conform to the prescribed standard.

Environmental monitoring report for the month of July 2009.

Order of assessment from West Bengal Pollution Control Board to SAIL, Durgapur Steel Plant dated 11/06/2009.

Environmental statement report of Durgapur Steel Plant for the year 2008-09.

The authorisation for hazardous waste issued by the Board vide memo No.49/2S(HW)-1100/2001 dtd. 31.07.2007 is hereby extended for the period of up to 31.12.2009.

Quarterly monitoring report for the quarter ending on March 2009.

Monitoring report for the month of March 2009.

Monitoring report for the month of November 2008.

Non compliance with emission standards: show cause notice from West Bengal Pollution Control Board dated 26.06.2008.
