World’s largest steelmaker ArcelorMittal may set up a solar farm on land alloted to it for a steel plant in Ballari district of Karnataka, in view of excess global steel capacity and delays in secu

The 3 MTPA integrated steel plant will be set up at Satarda in two phases

A worker cuts a steel rod inside a steel factory on the outskirts of Jammu

CHANGE ON CARDS It will decide the fate of mines by defining whose leases will get extension and whose will be cancelled, paving way to put them up for auction

ArcelorMittal has teamed up with Italy's Marcegaglia to bid for Ilva, a loss-making Italian steel plant at the centre of a major environmental scandal, the target company confirmed today.

ArcelorMittal has plans to set up 12 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) steel plant in Jharkhand at an estimated investment of Rs 50,000 crore

A central panel has asked Jharkhand to clarify soon whether the existing and proposed mining leases of ArcelorMittal for its planned Rs 50,000-crore plant in the state fell under a conservation reserve or not.

Govt reviewing the allocation of 61 blocks that have not started production

The inter-ministerial group, which is reviewing allocation of coal blocks, has decided to give more time to 10 companies to obtain final forest and environment clearance for the eight blocks that have not yet started production.

ArcelorMittal today said it has voluntarily surrendered its stakes in 2 coal blocks, Rampia and Dip side of Rampia, following its decision to exit from the USD 12 billion steel project in Odisha in

An inter-ministerial group (IMG) tasked with suggesting punitive measures for allottees idling their captive coal blocks is learnt to have recommended cancellation of 30 mines, making it the single

Hindalco’s Mahan coal block, along with some blocks of Tata Steel, Jindal Steel and Power and Reliance Power could be cancelled by an inter-ministerial group, which will meet on Friday. The cancellations would figure as part of the list of 61 blocks that were allocated to companies between 2005 and 2008.

Significantly, the cancellation for Mahan, if it happens, would be after it has got a go-ahead from the ministry of environment and forests recently. Aditya Birla Group company Hindalco and Ruia’s Essar have plans to develop the block jointly.

The government has sent fresh notices to private companies asking them to furnish documents to verify the mining lease and green clearances or face cancellation of 61 blocks that have not started p
