Between 2020 and June 2020, several ash pond accidents have been reported across India. These accidents have caused deaths, extensive pollution of the water, air, soil and loss of property. Unfortunately, the public outrage associated with coal ash pollution remains limited to big disasters.

ROURKELA: The Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has banned sale of commodities in plastic bags below thickness of 50 microns in its market complexes here.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Durga Kishan Vs State of Odisha & Others dated 17/02/2017. The principal ground raised in this OA (Original Application) is that the expansion of State Highway No. 10 from Rourkela to Sambalpur in the State of Odisha is being carried out by without obtaining Forest Clearance.

Representations were received by the Commission from Lachhu Oram and others from Sundergarh District of Odisha, who pray for justice as after acquisition of their land, for establishment of Rourkela Steel Plant erstwhile Hindusan Steel Plant, due compensation was not paid, employment was not given to family members of displaced persons.

ROURKELA: TWO years after the Swachh Bharat campaign was launched and leaders vowed to rid the cities of all kinds of waste, the Steel City is sitting on plastic bomb.

ROURKELA: In a major relief to hotels and restaurants in Rourkela, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has reduced pollution compensation penalty, but directed the hotels to strictly adhere to air an

The wait is finally over. Rourkela, considered Odisha’s industrial capital, has found a place in the third list of Smart Cities declared by the Centre on Tuesday.

Foliar surface undergoes several structural and functional changes when particulate-laden air strikes it. An attempt was made to evaluate the quality of air in terms of respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM), suspended particulate matter (SPM), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) along with biochemical parameters of twelve selected roadside plant species at industrial, traffic, residential and rural areas of Rourkela city in India. Increase concentration of heavy metals (Fe, Cu and Zn) was recorded at site B (industrial area).

ROURKELA: There has been no headway in the solid waste management (SWM) project in the city despite availability of funds under the 12th Finance Commission. The Rourkela Municipality has received Rs 4 crore in the last four years.

Earlier efforts of the civic body to find a suitable place for SWM have met the dead end. It had identified a plot in Balughat and started dumping garbage there after constructing a boundary wall. However, nearby residents complained about the stench and the Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) also rejected the site stating that the waste may spill into the nearby river Brahmani. The municipality and Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) then chose an open space near the airstrip to dump solid waste but were soon slapped with show cause notices by OSPCB.

The improving visibility on commissioning of projects is a positive development and will accrue benefits in the long term, analysts say. The delay in commissioning of projects has been one of the key factors for underperformance of the stock.

However, Daga adds that the company has indicated that modernisation and expansion is progressing steadily and it would add two blast furnaces at IISCO and Rourkela Steel Plant, thereby adding 5 MT of hot metal capacity in the coming months. On the raw material front, SAIL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chhattisgarh government for development of iron ore mines at Eklama iron ore deposit, which would bring some respite as developing green-field mines at Rowghat were becoming a tardy process due to Maoist activities.
