The trials run before introducing drugs into the market are peppered with death-inviting inaccuracies and even brazen lies

ALTHOUGH 75 per cent of Earth's surface is covered by water, a very small part of it is available for immediate use. Freshwater for human consumption is limited -- the total freshwater present in the

Scientists come up with a way to make pure precipitate silica for industrial use

Latex obtained from succulents can be used to manufacture a host of products such as paints, adhesives and roofing material

The sea would gobble up more than 5,700 sq km of India's coastal land if emission of greenhouse gases grows unchecked

Scientists have developed a product that will go a long way in helping standardise measurements of water pollution

At a recent convention held in the Capital, the Bhartiya Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha took stock of the ways to popularise science among the common people

Two new tests allow a faster and more accurate detection of tuberculosis and hepatitis B than possible earlier

Scientists pinpoint shortcomings in the new draft technology policy

A sewage treatment technology is now being used to recycle wastewater in urinals