Earlier works have revealed that Bangalore city predominated by migmatites, granodiorites and intrusive granites, in general does not carry potential fractures beyound 280 m depth. However, bore wells are being drilled in the peripheral parts beyond 300 m. This unconfined and part of the semi-confined aquifers having gone dry, bore wells are now being competitively drilled at greater depths.

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Bangalore city with an extent of 800 sq. km, located at more than 920 m amsl, forming part of the catchments of Arkavati river to the west and Ponnaiyar river (South Pinakini) to the east. Bangalore city forming a part of the semi-arid tract is in the agro-climatic environs of Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka. The area is drained by first to fourth-order streams, among which the first and second-order streams predominate.

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