Environmental clearance granted to the first phase of a mega thermal power project in Madhya Pradesh is withheld following concerns over the environmental and human costs of the project.

Three United Nations agencies-- the World Health Organisation (WHO) , the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) -- and the World Bank are joining forces in a campaign

Scientists and virologists, confronted with setbacks in their quest for anti-AIDS drugs, reiterate prevention as the best bet to control the spread of the disease.

The 1998 World Disasters Report produced by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies points to a decrease in humaniturian aid for disaster victims over the last decade in

A new United Nation's survey of 152 countries has found that the United States is one of only six countries that do not have a national policy favouring the grant of paid maternity leave. Countries

The Ministry of External Affairs has launched a curious attempt on the Internet to try and counter international campaigns against child labour.

A small Indian owl that was last sighted in the wild 113 years ago-and was considered extinct-has been found by researchers from the United States in a wooded area north-east of Mumbai. An

The Maharashtra Government is helping a private sector plan to develop a project for the elite in an environmentally sensitive region, despite complaints of unauthorised construction and irregular

An experimental project to study the potential of harnessing wave power to generate electricity holds out promise, but questions of feasibility and viabiligy
