Sweden--President George W. Bush parted ways Thursday with much of Europe over climate change, maintaining his opposition to a global warming treaty but pledging to seek "new channels of cooperation"

Teachers in the United States earn less relative to national income than their counterparts in many industrialized countries, yet they spend far more hours in front of the classroom, according to a

Hoping to expand on the modest success of its Prius hybrid gas-electric car, Toyta Motor Corp. has announced a hybrid engine system that it said was simpler, cheaper and more versatile, though not as

One of the more contentious issues that President George W. Bush is discussing with European leaders during his trip this week is his stance on global warming. When he decided to abandon the Kyoto

While many scientists and experts on risk management agreed in interviews that much remained unknown about the potential effects of rising temperatures, they took issue with the idea that this

President George W. Bush acknowledge that global warming is an important problem. He wants credit for coming late, to that conclusion. But his proposed remedies continue to fall short.

In little more than a decade, the United States has fallen significantly behind other countries in its ability to simulate and predict long term shifts in climate, according to a wide range of

The Bush Administration will not exempt California from a rule requiring that gasoline contain clean-burning additives such as corn-based ethanol, according to Bush administration officials. The

In the uproar surronding his reunciation of the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, President George W. Bush said he would ask a cabinet level group to come up with new U.S. proposals to address

President George W. Bush plans to tell European allies that he wants to spend millions of dollars on research into the causes of global warming and the technologies to reduce it, but he will not back
