The Australian government indicated that it would not ratify the Kyoto agreement on climate change, drawing immediate criticism from a global meeting of environmental activists. Environment minister

Using two different computer simulations of climate and the oceans, seprate research teams have concluded that a buildup of heat in the seas over the last five decades was almost certainly caused by

The Bush Administration has proposed relaxing for a year some of the strictest mandates and deadlines in the Endangered Species Act, an effort to give federal officials more discretion to decide

Russia marked the 40th anniversary of the first manned space flight with wreaths and also protests over diminishing funds for space exploration.

In highly polluted Hong Kong, the government's recent environmentally friendly stance is facing a crucial test in a dispute over whether a railroad can lay tracks through a sensitive wetland. The

The company that made the sheep called Dolly said that it had cloned five pigs from genetically modified cells, bringing it closer to developing animals that can produce organs suitable for human

Anyone wondering where US military investment is headed need look no farther than the next generation of spy satellites that are being built now and will start going into orbit in 2005. The estimated

A project is under way that could make the sequencing of the human genome look easy by comparison. Three companies plan to spend as much as half a billion dollars to identify all the proteins in the

The Bush Administration has turned down a European request that it reconsider a decision seen as likely to doom the international treaty on global warming known as the Kyoto accord.

Two of three cloned heifers at the California State University, Chico, have died and the third may be in trouble, officials said.
