A photograph of a distant exploding star has given astronomers the first direct evidence that a mysterious "negative gravity" force swept through and still pervades the universe, scientists

Humbled by Mars, NASA is about to send another spacecraft to study it. The launching of the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter, set for Saturday, is the first since the agency was staggered by 1999's

Two-thirds of Americans say President George W. Bush should develop a plan to reduce the emission of gases like carbon dioxide that have been blamed for causing global temperature increases,

Australia backed the United States by saying large developing nations must combat global warming, but the government also said it would meet its commitments under the Kyoto agreement.

As he turned away from the Kyoto Protocol last week, President George W. Bush picked up a heavy burden: to produce quickly a clear and compelling alternative for addressing the problem of global

The United States' decision to abandon its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol has sent shock waves around the world, setting off the most serious international environmental policy crisis in years. The

In a pointed criticism of US environmental policy, President Jacques Chirac of France urged all countries to implement the Kyoto treaty on global warming that President George W Bush has decided to

The maverick scientists who announced plans to clone people are trying to fob off the technique as merely the latest breakthrough in infertility treatment. There is, however, no comparison between

The declaration by the Bush Administration that it has "no interest" in implementing a milestone 1997 international agreement to combat global warming has stunned Japan, which helped broker the

A week before President George W. Bush broke his campaign pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the Environmental Protection Agency chief, Christie Whitman, warned him that he must demonstrate
