Astronomers reported on new telescope observations providing the first strong evidence that most, if not all, brown dwarfs appeared to have formed like stars but lacked sufficient mass to ignite and

With a new scientific report in hand that affirms the reality of global warming, the Bush White House has readily acknowledged that climate change is a problem, but he has given little clue as to

A National Academy of Sciences report reaffirming the threat of global warming, and declaring fearlessly that human activity is largely responsible for it, virtually requires President George W. Bush

A panel of top American scientists has declared that global warming is a real problem and is getting worse, a conclusion that may lead President George W. Bush to change his stand on the issue as he

Some of the European hysteria that greeted President George W. Bush's rejection of the Kyoto treaty on global warming may finally be ebbing. That can only be welcome, given that most of Europe's

For the gene revolution, this looks to be the next big step: turning plants into factories to make drugs and industrial chemicals. And for a world already sorting out its views on genetically

Digging at an oasis in the Egyptian desert, paleontologists have found huge fossil bones of what they say appears to have been the second most massive dinosaur that ever lived. Scientists estimate

Audi A2 a sporty new four-door compact has a top speed of 100 miles an hour. It can travel 78 miles on a single gallon of fuel and emits fewer "greenhouse" gases than almost any other vehicle in the

Despite some strong opposition from the public at home and by the government in the United States, Russia is preparing to open its borders to become the largest international repository for

A high-level team from the International Atomic Energy Agency has opened negotiations in Pyongyang with fresh demands for access to nuclear weapons project that North Korea agreed to abandon seven
