After the most devastating mass extinction swept the planet 250 million years ago, Earth witnessed a nearly unabated increase in the variety of living organisms, leading to unparalleled heights of

In Ukraine, citizen involvement was central to meeting the challenge of providing freshwater at an affordable price. As the old infrastructure in the region deteriorated, a new approach was required

Water is necessary to life, yet one-sixth of the world's population lacks access to safe drinking water. In partnerships with governments and civil society, business is playing a key role in poviding

A municipal drinking water plant in Mery, France sought to provide water to about half a million residents near water to about half a million residents near Paris. Using the river Oise as its source,

In 1996 the government of Trinidad and Tobago sought private sector participation as a way to achieve a viable water and waste treatment sector. The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) entered into

The letter from the Food and Drug Administration got right to the point. "You are receiving this letter because in media reports and on your Web site you have expressed an intention to pursue the

ASEAN environment ministers meeting in Phnom Penh expressed "deep concern" over the U.S. rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, saying the 1997 accord should not be renegotiated to fit

Despite the Bush Administration's decision to back away from regulating emissions of global warming gases, many multinational companies plan to continue reducing such emissions because they face

In an unexpected benefit of the Cold War's end, Russian and American archaeologists say they have discovered an ancient civilization that thrived in Central Asia more than 4,000 years ago, before

Each day, a child somewhere in the world is dying every 8 seconds from drinking contaminated water. According to the World Commission on Water for the 21st century, more than 1 billion people
