The White House chief of staff, Andrew Card Jr. said the administration would likely present fresh proposals for revising a global warming treaty when the United States meets again with other

Gray payne and Jeremy Taylor are two Wall Street types who work for trading companies. Mr. Taylor trade is the right to pollute specifically,the government given right to emit sulfur dioxide and

Taking a cue from broad-based, class-action lawsuits like those filed on behalf of Holocaust survivors or against tobacco companies, a group of environmental lawyers is exploring noval legal

A new analysis of spacecraft photography of Mars appears to show that, in its earliest history, much of the planet was a land of lakes and shallow seas and this left distinct layers of sedimentary

Psychiatric Genomics Inc., a young company that is mining the human genetic code, or genome, to decipher the genetic basis of mental illness, is using powerful computers to identify the genes that

The ban on human cloning research passed by the House of Representatives, if upheld in the Senate, would very likely leave the bulk of such potentially revolutionary research in Britain.

After an impassioned debate that pitted the promise of cures for disease against the horror of making babies that are genetic replicas of adults, the House of Representatives voted by a wide margin

Inch by inch, the rising waters of the newly dammed Euphrates River have been swallowing this ancient city of the Roman Empire: the 2,000-year-old public piazzas, the lavish villas with their

A crew remained on course to dock with the International Space Station, 48 hours after embarking on a trip designed to usher in a new era in space exploration that could see man set foot on Mars.

A patient crew of astronauts is ready to blast off to the International Space Station to begin what could be more than 15 years of human occupation of the orbiting outpost. The three-man crew of
