The United States weighed a plan to detonate a nuclear bomb on the moon as a show of military and technical strength during the feverish post-Sputnik days of the Cold War, a physicist involved in the

The local government has announced steps aimed at cutting auto emissions by at least one-third within two years, a response to reports that rising air pollution threatens not only the health of

After tourning a secret nuclear submarine base on Russia's Pacific Coast, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson indicated that he would support a Kremlin request for help in building a high-security

In a tour de force of ultrasensitive technology, astronomers have obtained the first detailed images of the universe as it was nearly 15 billion years ago, long before stars or galaxies had begun to

In a loboratory in Baltimore, tangles of healthy neurons are sprouting from the spinal cords of mice stricken with a rodent version of Lou Gehring's disease, a nerve-withering ailment for which there

An early draft of an intently awaited report from the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change contains no surprises about the prospect of continued global warming, and comes to approximately the

Central London is so congested that the average journey is quicker on a bicycle than it is by car, bus or train, according to a government survey released. The survey, covering 1999, compares the

Tensions eased and thousands of protesters headed home after the Bolivian government agreed to the withdrawal of an international water company whose demand for higher water prices had caused a week

A British government commission soon may recommend lifting a ban on human cloning for "therapeutic" purposes, such as growing replacement organs and tissues. It would continue to bar "reproductive

The US Senate has approved a $23.3 billion package of energy and water projects, but the vote fell well short of the two-thirds majority needed to override a threatened veto and is likely to further
