A California company said that it had started a venture to put microscopic detectors capable of reading the entire human genome onto a set of glass chips, than use them to detect common genetic

Russia and the United States have formally signed an agreement to destroy 68 tons of weapon grade plutonium, the Russian government

Voters in Kansas have repudiated the state school board's removal of human evolution from the state science standards, making it all but certain that the decision will be overturned. In a Republican

A rock that fell in northwest Canada in January may preserve a bit of primordial solar system, little changed from what it was 4.5 billion years ago. During the early morning hours of Jan. 18, a

Researchers setting out to sea from the Virginia coast this weekend hope to find answers to a new scientific riddle: Could tsunamis, the large destructive waves that have terrorized Japan and the

A federal agency gave final approval this week to new rules designed to protect thousands of acresof wetlands from development, a move is aimed at slowing the steady disappearance of the ecologically

Archaeologists seek a balance : An international meeting of archaeologists at Egypt is discussing how to reconcile the need to preserve ancient sites with the demands of Egypt's vital tourist

Did modern humans wipe out the Neanderthal people who inhabited Europe until 28,000 years ago, or did the two populations merge through interbreeding? New DNA evidence, extracted from the ribds of a

The United States has sued the operator of an incinerator accused of sprewing dangerous amounts of toxins onto a U.S, navy base south of Tokyo, the U.S. Justice Department said Monday. The civil

Rich countries failed Saturday to agree with the developing world on how much aid they should pay to help eliminate toxic chemicals, which build up in the food chain and threaten the environment.
