North Pole ice turning liquid may be the least of our problems. New studies have found that all Northern Hemisphere sea ice is melting at a rate of about 15 percent per decade and that the oceans as

If you are trying to decide whether to be an optimist or a pessimist on global warming, recent news is enough to leave yo dizzy. An icebreaker found open water at the North Pole, prompting a new wave

This month scientists spotted a patch of open ocean about two kilometers wide at the North Pole, where the ice is normally two or three meters deep. This remarkable discovery followed close on the

Jinja an industrial town built during the 1940s is now experiencing new growth, stimulated by the ever-expanding hydroelectric complex at Owen Falls and the prospect of further dam building in the

The U.S. Senate has voted over whelmingly to approve a $7.8 billion plan intended to restore the Everglades and its ecosystem, a project supporters say is the most ambitious environmental restoration

Texas three natural resource commissioners, all appointees of Governor George Bush, say that global warming is a serious problem and that the state will explore ways to cut its emissions of

The United States and Mexico will have to tell each other where they plan to build or expand disposal sites for hazardous or radioactive waste along the border, under an agreement announced by U.S.

The Australian government said it would build a nuclear test monitoring station at Cape Leeuwin in Southwestern Australia as part of its commitment to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban

Coming soon, to a chip near you: your own genes. The biotechnology industry, which has long lived in the shadow of Silicon Valley and envied its many overnight successes, is now tapping into that

Brazil's new Amazon rain forest has long been protected by its expanse and the difficulty of traversing it. Huge bites have been chomped from its southern and eastern edges in the last three decades
