Bessie, an ordinary cow on an Iowa farm, is pregnant. But she is not having a cow. Developing inside her uterus is an endangered species called an Asian gaur, a heavily muscled, humpbacked,ox-like

Scientists have found what they say is the first direct evidence of cannibalism among prehistoric Indians in the American Southwest, belying the image of these people as steadfastly peaceful

According to Ma Ju, the Beijing based author of a new book called "China's Water Crisis" the country has been mismanaging its water resources for centuries and has inflicted the greatest damage in

If any explorers had been hiking to the North Pole this summer, they would have had to swim the last few miles. The discovery of open water in the Ple by an icebreaker cruise ship in mid-August

An international team of scientists sifting through historical records has found unusual evidence of long-term global warming:Many lakes and rivers in the Northern Hemisphere typically freeze over a

As forests fire rage in the American West, a link between forests and global cooling may not be immediately apparent. But limiting the emission of carbon dioxide into the air from fuel burning

Since the Hubble Space Telescope was placed in space almost a decade ago, the orbiting observatory has taken about 259,000 exposures of almost 13,000 astronomical targets. But for the last month, the

By measuring the distances to 100,000 galaxies scattered across billions of light years of space, a robotic telescope in Australia has produced the first detailed, large-scale map of the region of

President Bill Clinton's administration has decided to sidestep a major political and ethical quagmire by rejecting the use of human experiments in setting regulatory limits for

The source of life : The water crisis is of global proportions. Around the world, water scarcity, water related conflicts and pollution are over whelming national and local governments and
