On Sunday, residents for the city of Tokushima voted 102,759 to 9,367 against building a dam across the Yoshino River on the island of Shikoku, 500 kilometers (300 miles) southwest of Tokyo. It

In an ambitious move to better understand the ups and downs of Earth, the space shuttle Endeavour is to make a detailed radar map of the planet's surface that could be a boon to everyone from

Britain has become the first country to grant a patent covering cloned earlystage human embryos-- a decision that could ignite new controversy among critics of biotechnology even though Geron Corp.,

In a discovery that could help explain the origin of the earliest galaxies, a new astronomy satellite has detected the first discrete objects in the mysterious glow of X-rays that pervades the

The World Bank has started a venture designed to help create a market for buying and selling rights to release pollutants that have been blamed for global warming. Bank officials said Tuesday that

The number of overweight people in the world now about equals the number of hungry, underfed people, according to a study of global trends. Drawing on research from a number of agencies and

Scientists said Thursday that they had cloned a monkey -- the first nonhuman primate to be cloned -- in an experiment that they hope will result in squads of genetically identical lab animals perfect

A worldwide rise in temperature at the Earth's surface is "undoubtedly real" and appears to have accelerated in recent decades, an independent scientific panel has concluded in a major report. The

Almost one third of 197 public water supplies tested in Newfoundland since 1985 contained high levels of potentially dangerous chemicals, the province

The world has made progress in cutting the amount of ozone-killing substances it releases, a UN official said. "Scientists have reported that some potent ozone-depleting substances at the upper
