Ancient villages flooded for sake of electricity : Up and down the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers in southeastern Turkey, villages inhabited since the beginning of civilization are being flooded into

In the last 10 years the international community has spent some $4 billion dollars to conserve biological diversity. This has paid for a lot of good work. But overall we are failing to stem the

The North Pole is melting. The thick ice that has for ages covered the Arctic Ocean at the pole has turned to water, recent visitors there say. At least for the time being, an ice-free patch of ocean

An influential expert on global warming who for nearly 20 years has pressed countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases now says the emphasis on carbon

Officials at European Laboratory for Particle Physics, the giant European atom-smasher center outside Geneva, have decided to delay the start of construction on the $6 billion Large Hadron Collider -

The sinking of a Russian nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea is not just a tragedy for the sailors trapped aboard, it is a warning of the dangers of running a nuclear navy on the cheap - the way an

The German government said that it might take another look at its 10-year old ban on producing human embryos amid debate intensified by moves in Britain to relax laws on

In what is a straightforward scientific problem to some and a moral dilemma for others, the British government said it would introduce legislation allowing the cloning of human embryos for research

About 230,000 are expected to be moved from the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing by June 2003 to make way for the water that will rise behind the the Three Gorges Dam,Xinhua, the official press

The space shuttle Discovery's rescue mission to the Hubble Space Telescope has been pushed back again so that workers can replace a dented fuel
