Under a blanket of gray haze, drivers from more than 10 unions drove slowly and clogged traffic in Central Hong Kong, demanding more government help for them to cut air pollution, local media said.

Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority will seek to outline a joint project on buying water from Turkey, President Suleyman Demirel of Turkey said Wednesday , the Anatoliant News Agency

For the fifth time in two years, astronomers have discovered an asteroid hurtling through space that might collide with the Earth. The likelihood of collision is considered slim--one chance in a

Occasionally a great change comes about without warning, transfering the way we perceive ourselves for generations to come. Such was the case when the world first heard about Dolly the cloned

Not long after Congress cut US assistance of Russian programs aimed at destroying chemical weapons stockpiles, Russia has disclosed new details about its former chemical weapons program. In an

It will only get worse : William Gray, one of the most prominent American hurricane forecasters, announced last week that a new era of intense hurricane activity is about to unfold. Likely to be hit

For generations, tribesmen in the Amazon rain forest have used secretions from the skin of a frog to make poison blow darts. Now Abott Laboratories is developing a painkiller modeled on the active

New data provide fresh evidence to support a finding two years ago that expansion of the universe is accelerating under the influence of a strange form of energy that fills empty space and apparently

In a finding that may yield a sharp insight into the genetic reasons for death, a team of Italian scientists has reported discovery of a gene that exerts major control over the life span of mice. The

Genentech Inc. has agreed to pay $200 million to the University of California to end a 10-year dispute over the rights to genetically engineered human growth hormone, sources familiar with the
