Spanish and British nuclear experts are scheduled to meet this week to discuss what to do about a British nuclear submarine that has been berthed in Gibraltar since May, awaiting repairs to a crack

The international panel of climate scientists considered the most authoritative voice on global warming has now concluded that mankind's contribution to the problem is greater than originally

Novo Nordisk is designing better enzymes for laundry detergents. Dow Chemical is trying to cut the cost of food processing. Pioneer Hi-Bred is aiming for better crops, and MedImmune is seeking a

Greenhouse gases produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels are altering the atmosphere in ways that affect the Earth's climate, and it is likely that they have "contributed substantially" to the

China's decision to undertake a gigantic plan to divert the Yangtze River to alleviate water shortages further north is one more sign of a growing water crisis in large areas of the world. Many

A bacterium that last flourished before dinosaurs tore flesh has been revived from a drop of fluid trapped in a crystal of rock salt for 250 million years, according to biologists at West Chester

For Greenland's 55,000 people, the defining fact of life has always been the ice sheet. Now, entrepreneurs on this Arctic frontier think they have figured out how to capitalize on the ice cap. Three

DuPont,Shell,Alcan Aluminium and four other large companies have joined a growing list of businesses committing themselves to substantial voluntary reductions in releases of heat-trapping greenhouse

Concerned that NASA may have dropped the ball, a blue-ribbon scientific panel in London has recommended that Britain take the lead in defending the people of our planet from an overheated threat of

Faced with a growing scarcity of water in its northern cities and farms, China has decided to push ahead with a costly, long-debated plan to divert river waters hundreds of kilometres across the
