In a landmark experiment, scientists have broken the cosmic speed limit, causing a light pulse to travel at many times the speed of light - so fast that the peak of the pulse exited a specially

Suspicions that they are seeing sketchy evidence for a long-sought particle has put physicists in Geneva in a quandary over whether to delay building a $4 billion particle accelerator or to continue

An American company won a patent that it says overcomes a critical obstacle in cloning mammal cells. The company, Infigen Inc. in DeForest Wisconsin, owns a large herd of cloned cattle that produce

George Ryan, the Republican governor of Illinois, has called on the US government to suspend environmental rules mandating cleaner-burning gasoline, which he blamed for driving pump prices in parts

An international team of scientists reported that new chemical tests of 28,000-year old Neanderthal bones may have settled the issue of whether they were skilled hunters on mere scavengers. The tests

The Clinton administration's global warming report, released in draft this week, is a puzzling document. It touts assumptions far more pessimistic than those in mainstream climatology. And while

Global warming in the 21st century will likely cause drastic changes in the climate of the United States, including potentially severe droughts, increased risk of flooding, mass migrations of

The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has stretched over a city for the first time, after ballooning to a new record size, New Zealand scientists report. Previously, the hole had only opened

About 700 million years ago, the Earth's surface froze solid. Every inch of land was covered with glaciers. Life, which in those days consisted of little more than single-and multicelled goop,

The Clinton administration is preparing to raise dramatically its estimate of health threats from dioxin, citing new evidence of cancer risk from exposure to the toxic chemical compound. A draft of a
