The Union Cabinet today decided that the destruction of crops due to large scale pest infestations would henceforth be equated with natural calamities for the purpose of extending relief to the

With one more tiger being reported killed in the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in UP in the last week, close on the heels of the killing of three tigers earlier in the same week, the conservation efforts

A US project development company is replicating the Silicon Valley in Orissa by creating a technology park spread over 250 acres in Bhubaneshwar. Intech Global Resources Inc. of Houston is also

India will receive a $200 million grant from the United Nations Development Programme for aiding its ninth plan objectives on infrastructure technology and employment . The grant, which will come

The Samaj Parivartana Samudaya (SPS) and other leading voluntary organisations have urged the Madhya Pradesh government and the Lok Ayukta to take immediate action against several top officials and

The government has been asked to ban export of non-renewable soil resources from the country, especially from the coastal region of

The World Wide Fund for Nature has decided to support 10 more protected areas in the country in 1998 while entering the second year of its three-year tiger conservation programme. Protected areas

Twenty-five years after men last roamed the moon, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) is returning with a little robot named Prospector. Diminutive as it is and cheap, too,

Little has changed in the field of organ transplant even after the passage of the Human Organ Transplant Bill in 1994. The worst of the problems being a shortage of organs. The 10th annual conference

Acting somewhat late in the day, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has asked the state health secretaries for detalis of steps take for ensuring adequate supply of blood , a day before the
