Two Chinese scientists disclosed on March 24, 1999 that Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics have successfully developed China's first transgenic test-tube ox with their own created new technical

Chinese scientists have started a major research program to help better utilize light energy in raising crop yields, in an effort to meet the food needs of the country's vast population 30 years from

The Kerala Agriculture Department has decided to revive the group farming concept by extending the same to more area in the State in an effort aimed to breath life into the morbid paddy cultivation

India has decided not to press for setting up of a dispute settlement panel at the World Trade Organisation on rice exports since the European Commission has withdrawn the controversial culmulative

Two major international groups have applied for approval for the sale in Australia and New Zealand of 10 genetically engineered crops. The applications, by U.S.-based Monsanto Co and Swiss-based

India has won the trademark case against American firm Ricetec in the European Union prohibiting the use of the 'basmati' brand name by the American company, thereby giving a major push to the

Apple farmers in this region are now fearing that the prolonged dry spell may irreperably affect the apple harvest this year. This could prove back-breaking for the already beleaguered apple economy

Wheat production is likely to be atleast 72 million tonnes, according to the latest estimates of the agriculture ministry. The wheat crop may even touch a record 73 million tonnes, up from an

Applying labels to novel foods sounds like an easy way to balance the opposing wishes of producers and consumers. The reality is more complex : a

The UK government is to launch a cull of wild badgers in south-west England in an attempt to prevent the spread of tuberculosis from badgers to cattle. Badgers in trial areas in south-west England
