Pig breeders in Tambun, Ampang and Ulu Piah in Malaysia have decided to vaccinate their pigs in a measure to help control the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) outbreak in the state. The decision was made

Farm experts and scientists have expressed grave concern over the problem of water-logging and stagnation of crop yield. Speaking at a workshop of farm officers and scientists, the vice-Chancellor

Genetically modified soyabeans could account for most of the crop in the US this year, according to the American Soyabean Association. The acceptance of GM crops in the US contrasts starkly with the

Pune-based researchers have developed a DNA-based method to distinguish between female and male Papaya plants at an early stage which can greatly help Papaya farmers. Sex of "dioecisous" variety of

The Chinese Prime Minister, Mr Zhu Rongji, began a visit to the USA, by today agreeing to lift a ban on citrus fruits from four US states and wheat from seven states. This agricultural agreement

A group of voluntary organisations, involved in documenting data on the process and methods adopted by Monsanto company in conducting field trials on BT cotton in various parts of the state, on

The Pesticide Association of India has in separate representations to the governments of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan opposed the proposed ban on the spraying of pyrethroids on the cotton crop in

A huge uncultivable land in the coastal belts of Bangladesh may be brought under rice cultivation using a newly invented technology. Under the new method, along with basal dose of nitrogen,

Farmers having their land holdings across the Ravi opposite Makaura Ferri in Barial Bulge are a worried lot in view of continuous erosion in the area due to fast currents of the Ravi. The matter has

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has launched a programme to create a nation-wide information network by connecting together all the research centres, farm universities and
