The Supreme Court has notified the Union government and life science multinaitonal Monsanto on grounds of violation of environmental laws that regulate genetic engineering. The SC's notice is in

Bio-engineered crops that produce their own insecticide could be taken off the US market if a lawsuit filed last week by environmentalists is successful. The environmentalists fear the risk of

Heavy rains have damaged much of the rice in the current harvest, causing prices of the staple to plunge and further clouding the future for farmers, already struggling under sky-high production

Ever on the lookout for innovative ways to feed its 1.2-billion people, China has turned to conditioning rice and wheat seeds in space to lift crop yields,the State news media has said.Seven times in

Despite the impressive progress made by the pesticides industry during the last two decades, the country's regulatory organisations provide the biggest hurdle for the future growth. The Government

The Fourth Agricultural Science Congress began in Jaipur today with a call to attain food security in the country through the stability of agricultural exports. About 500 agricultural scientists from

China plans to increase crop yields by using seeds developed through exposure to strong radiation in space. Chinese satellites and high-altitude balloons have carried seeds into space on seven

Recent studies reinforce the concerns voiced by entomologists, crop scientists and environmentalists about the risks posed by crops genetically engineered to produce their own pesticides, which are

It is nearly four months since Mitch swept through Honduras, while its wide skirts of rain soaked Nicaragua (and to a lesser extent, parts of Guatemala, El Salvador and south-eastern Mexico). The

Take public concern about the safety of food, add a dash of scientific controversy over genetically modified foods and it is easy to manipulate a series of hysterical headlines. For the past 10 days,
