The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) is preparing an internationally agreed agenda for farm research. To be called 'Shared Vision', the agenda will be formally adopted during the Global

India's foodgrain procurement, distribution and buffer stocking policies have come under criticism from the World Bank which feels that these have had an overall negative impact on the grain economy.

Japanese beer maker Sapporo Breweries Ltd. announced that it will use only non-gene-spliced corn in its beer, following the lead of Kirin Breweru Co. Ltd. which made a similar decision. The two

The party election manifesto says it would persuade the state governments to ensure adEquate and timely supply of electricity for agricultural operations at a subsidised price of 50 paise per unit

A long spell of dry weather has taken its toll in Gujarat state, India's biggest groundnut and cotton producer, traders said on Wednesday. "Already more than 50 per cent of the groundnut crop has

Two Delhi-based NGOs have proposed a new treaty of developing countries for protecting the farmers rights as an alternative to Union for Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV). The NGOs, Gene

The vagetable bowl of Delhi is in crisis. With farmers looking skywards for monsoon rains, the vegetables are not just going to be expensive but also heavily laced with pesticides . With no rain,

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Icrisat) signed a new agreement for collaborative research in seven areas. The

The identification of a gene which controls the size of plants may increase crop yields worldwide. The discovery made by the John Innes Centre in eastern England, has implications for the developing

Yielding to protests from animal rights organizations and celebrities like John Gielgud and Bea Arthur, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington has cancelled a panel discussion and tasting of foie
