Assessment and remediation of hazardous waste contaminated areas in and around M/s Union Carbide India Ltd, Bhopal (NEERI & NGRI) and tender document for detoxification, decommissioning and dismantling of UCIL Plant (IICT).

The recent verdict on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984 has drawn attention to India

Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL), manufactured a pesticide called Sevin, at the production facility in Bhopal, for which one of the raw materials is Methylisocyanate (MIC). MIC was also being produced in an adjacent plant.


The victims are yet to be adequately compensated or given proper medical help; their water sources are yet to be decontaminated.

At Arif Nagar slum, a toxic waste yard next to the boundary wall of the factory. The accident polluted the soil and groundwater in the neighbourhood to dangerous levels.

The government

Twenty-five years after Union Carbide's accursed chemical plant spewed 42 tonnes of poisonous methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, killing 8,00010,000 people, and debilitating thousands of others, a study conducted by the Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has found that toxic waste lying at the plant premises still contaminates the city's land and water.

This fact sheet contains major legal cases concerning Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

This fact sheet contains what is being done regarding toxic waste at Union Carbide, Bhopal.

Defining the Bhopal Master Plan-2021 it can be said that the capital city Bhopal would be renovated on the aspect of development- it would be changed into metro city. Presently there are 4 metro cities-Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai in the country. Almost all the capital cities of the big states are going to be changed into metro cities.
