We are appalled at the police repression unleashed on the people protesting peacefully against the Koodankulam nuclear plant. The repression has forced them to take to a jal satyagraha. (Letters)
Climate change caused by greenhouse-gas emissions has become the greatest threat to Planet Earth. The impact of relentlessly rising temperatures is already apparent in frequent extreme weather events, people’s displacement and economic devastation. The North’s industrialised countries are primarily responsible for causing climate change, but its harshest effects are manifest in the developing South.
India faces the onerous task of balancing equity and environmental efficacy in the climate talks. It must not repeat the blunder that led to the Copenhagen disaster.
The climate conference failed to deliver an effective and equitable agreement on reducing emissions and will aggravate global warming.
SO low were the expectations from the global climate negotiations after last year's disastrous Copenhagen summit that nobody thought its successor conference would be a thundering game-changing success.
The government must stop dilly-dallying over the project and apply the law regardless of the fact that it is India's single largest foreign investment proposal.
TWO giant metallurgical projects, both in Orissa. Both promoted by big multinational corporations with tremendous influence.
The Mayapuri cobalt-60 episode shows that the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board needs to be replaced with a truly independent, well-staffed, competent body.