ZAMBIA has been awarded the opportunity to become the first African country to host the board meeting of the Worldwide Green Climate Fund (GCF).

In 2014 the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action undertook technical expert meetings on renewable energy, energy efficiency, land-use change and forestry (including REDD-plus), urban environments, carbon dioxide capture use and storage and non CO2 greenhouse gases.

A primary goal of the Durban Platform negotiations should be to develop an agreement that will maximize reductions in greenhouse gas emissions over time. Achieving this objective will be a function of not only the ambition of the 2015 agreement, but also the levels of participation and compliance by states.

Fraught UN climate talks revealed growing frustration this week among vulnerable nations and observers with the political stance of emerging economies like China and India in the battle to stave of

By all accounts, no dramatic developments are to be expected from the 19th edition of the Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that star

At COP 17 in Durban, the Parties called for new market mechanisms, and more broadly, “various approaches, including markets” to “achieve a net decrease and/or avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions”.

This paper examines the links between countries’ domestic ambition on climate change – in particular related to domestic legislation – and their position at the international negotiations in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

বাড়িটা কি এখনও আছে? সেই চার তলা বাড়িটা, যেটা হৃষিকেশে রামঝুলা ছাড়িয়ে লছমনঝুলা যাবার পথে রাস্তার বাঁকে প্রায় গঙ্গার ওপরই তৈরি হচ্ছিল?

After tethering on the edge of a collapse, the United Nations Doha conference on climate change ended with an agreement, but it was an agreement of low ambitions. Avoidance of collapse is a poor measure of success and Doha revealed deep divisions on how to combat climate change, division which will surface when negotiations resume this year. In terms of progress towards real actions to tackle the climate change crisis, the Doha conference was another lost opportunity.

JAMMU: In order to discuss and finalize the draft Action Plan on climate change, a meeting of Expert Committee was held under the chairmanship of Director Environment, Ecology and Remote Sensing, Jammu, Suresh Chugh here today.

Climate Change Expert, Jagdish Kishwan and Ex ADG, Ministry of Environment of Forests, Government of India was the chief guest on the occasion. Mr. Suresh Chugh informed that as a part of the National Action Plan on climate change, every State has to prepare its own Action Plan for climate change, taking into consideration the local requirements of the State. The draft of State Action Plan has been prepared by the GIZ (A German Firm) consultants IRG Pvt. Ltd in consultation with the stakeholders of the State. He underlined the need to understand the concept of climate change and its impact.
