Appreciating the decision of NGT (National Green Tribunal) of imposing Rs 2 crore fine on Gammon Construction and other Companies for dumping muck in Tawi River and polluting it, former MLA & P
Pulwama is reeling under the blanket of unwanted waste causing nuisance to the residents of the area as the District Administration has failed to construct proper road connectivity to the dumping s
KATRA, May 20: National Conference Provincial President Devender Singh Rana today expressed serious concern over worsening environmental scenario due to solid waste dumps in the holy township of Ka
Forest Survey of India (FSI) Director General, Dr Subash Ashutosh today said that Jammu & Kashmir State has shown an increasing trend of forest carbon in last 10 years.
Hardly 200 meters away from the courts, police station and the bus stand Basohli, there are heaps of garbage, organs of the slain animals, feathers and intestines of the butchered chickens littered
Through my regular write-ups in local English dailies , social media posts and through my videos , I keep telling people that biggest challenge Jammu and Kashmir state will face in the next 10 to 1