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At a time when many natural history museums are scaling back their entomological departments, an unusual private donation will enable the University of Florida to build the world's largest research

The Bush administration has said it is not interested in implementing the Kyoto Treaty and has gone to the extent of saying that as far as it is concerned, the Protocol is

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder will urge President George W. Bush not to back off a key accord against global warming when the two leaders meet for the first time Thursday in Washington.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder will urge President Bush not to back off a key accord against global warming when the two leaders meet for the first time Thursday in Washington. Schroeder will

The European Union expressed dismay today at the latest confirmation by the Bush administration that it opposed a treaty to combat global climate change. On Tuesday, the administrator of the

The White House said yesterday the United States had effectively abandoned the 1997 Kyoto treaty to fight global warming, seen in Europe as central to U.S.-EU relations. "The president has been

President Bush on Thursday rejected the Kyoto climate treaty and its mandatory pollution reductions as too harmful to the American economy but said he would continue to pursue other measures to

European officials warned President George W. Bush on Thursday that U.S. relations with the rest of the world could suffer if he sticks by a decision to pull out of an agreement on reducing global

The United States remains committed to fighting climate change despite its rejection of the Kyoto Protocol, says the chief of the U.S. Environment Protection Agency. Christie Whitman said Washington

The White House put the Kyoto Treaty on global warming in grave peril, saying President George W. Bush, was "unequivocal" in opposing it and had ordered a cabinet-level review to find alternative
