Coimbatore: Forests provided food and water for the human beings and it was essential that they be protected for the well being of future generations too, said V.T.

COIMBATORE: As one of the climate change adaptation strategies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) is establishing automatic weather stations (AWS) in all the 385 blocks in the State. As many as 224 have been covered and the rest will be set up in the second phase, Vice-Chancellor of TNAU P.

In an effort to ensure that segregation of waste at source, the Coimbatore Corporation on Monday started distributing green and white bins to residents.

Four zones

A release from the civic body said the Mayor, R. Venkatachalam, inaugurated the bin distribution by giving it away to residents of an apartment in the city. Commissioner Anshul Mishra and Chairman, Health Committee, P.

As the mercury soars and the water level dips, the Coimbatore Corporation and the city's residents are turning to water tankers to bail them out.

The dependence on water tankers reflected in the Corporation's Council resolution, passed on February 28. The resolution was about fixing rental charges for water transported through private water tankers.

The civic body said it would pay Rs.

COIMBATORE: The Forest Department has provided guidance to four tribal settlements in Coimbatore Forest Division and has shown the way for the tribal population to successfully take to agriculture.

Divisional Forest Officer V.

Farmers have been asked to restrict use of chemical insecticides as the incidence of pests and diseases was found below economic threshold levels in the districts of the State.

Light traps

According to experts from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, farmers should monitor the movement of adult insects by setting up light traps, yellow sticky traps and pheromone traps.

They can also use n

The greatest challenge that mankind is facing is climate change. It is a major threat affecting all spheres of economic activity. There are two ways of effectively responding to climate change, Subodh K.

The Coimbatore Corporation came under severe criticism at the Friday's council meeting. Councillors complained about the delay in the implementation of various schemes, in disbursing payments to contractors, anomaly in vacant land tax collection and raised various other issues.

P. Rajkumar, Ward 71 Councillor, started with the poor water supply.

Every time the Coimbatore Corporation receives a call from another local body in the State, it knows a request for hiring its mobile toilets is coming.

There is a huge demand for the 60 toilets the corporation purchased for around Rs. 4 crore to cater to the city's visitors during the World Classical Tamil Conference last year.

The Coimbatore Corporation and Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Coimbatore, on Wednesday organised a rally to create awareness on solid waste management.

Mayor R. Venkatachalam flagged off the rally in the presence of Deputy Mayor N.
