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The global conservation body WWF International early this week warned the World Trade Organisation (WTO) it could lose most public support unless it focused more on environmental and development

Any primary schoolteacher knows a disturbing fact of life in Mexico's capital: children rarely use the colour blue when they paint the sky inone of the world's most polluted cities. Most, like

European Union environment ministersapproved a long-term plan for cleaning up polluted rivers, lakes and coastal waters across the15-member bloc. The ministers endorsed legislation that sets out a

Rural sanitation in Assam has not yet been able to make any headway in the true sense of the term. The people in villages are not fully aware about the necessity of personal hygiene, food hygiene,

At least six people were killed as late season snowfalls wreaked havoc throughout the upper US Midwest and the East

Almost 80 nations have signed a pact tofight global warming ahead of a Monday deadline and seven of the nations most threatened by the effects of climate change have ratified it, a top U.N. official

In its latest drive to reduce garbage in the city, the municipality of Nagoya on Feb. 1 stopped picking up paper trash from local corporations. The move follows the city's decision to abort its

The Madhya Pradesh Government was contemplating bringing in a legislation to ban use of polythene bags in the state. Replying to the debate on the budgetary demands on his department Housing and

For years, Hong Kong has taken a laissez-faire approach toward the environment. But after decades of unfettered development, the city's people are finally waking up to the consequences of their

The Government has decided to turn down the request of a powerful section of the BJP's Madhya Pradesh unit who have been demanding that entire Bhopal declared "gas affected." On February 15, Bhopal's
