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Vietnam's forest cover has shrunk by a third in the past 15 years due to illegal logging, slash-and-burn agriculture and the felling of trees to make way for plantation crops, according to forestry

Orissa environment minister Prasanna Das accused Forest minister Kishore Patel of providing covert support to timbger smuggling from Simlipal biosphere ereserve and held him responsible for the

A large forest products company, Champion International, has opened 5.4 million acres of its forests in the United States to an independent, third-party review to determine if their practices are

Brazil has launched a campaign to monitor illegal logging and fires destroying the Amazon rainforest in a joint operation between the army and the Government's Environment

The clusters of bamboos which play a significant role in economy of the people of Bangladesh living in rural areas are on the verge of extinction. Bamboo cultivation has been reduced to less than 50

minister : The forest minister, Mr Jogesh Buman, has admitted that some officials from his department were hand-in-glove with North Bengal timber thieves and illegal saw mill owners. Most of these

Villagers of Thriambakapura in Turthahalli taluk have appealed to the Karnataka High Court to save the thick forest adjoining their village from proliferating industrial plantations.A paper industry

Brazil on Tuesday launched a campaign to monitor illegal logging and fires destroying the Amazon rainforest in a joint operation between the army and the government's Environment Agency (Ibama).

Punjab, the granary of the subcontinent, has surprisingly one of the least forest reserves in India with only 2.7 per cent of the total area of the state under forests. Although the state government

50 uprooted trees get a life, flyover work too carries on: About 50 trees, uprooted for building a fly-over, have been transplanted to near the Andrews Ganj crossroad. And the labourers, working at
