Master Plan for artificial Recharge to Groundwater in India was prepared by CGWB in the year 2013, which was the revision of the conceptual plan made in 2002. In view of the active participation of central and State agencies in water conservation, a need was felt to revise the master plan prepared in 2013.

Central Ground Water Board, West Central Region, has been issuing Ground Water Year Book annually for Gujarat state by compiling the hydrogeological, hydrochemical and groundwater level data collected from the Groundwater Monitoring Wells established by the Board in Gujarat State.

Progress report in continuation of earlier report dated December 19, 2020 of the Monitoring Committee constituted by the National Green Tribunal vide order August 30, 2018 in Original Application No. 496/2016 dated 20/01/2021.

The matter related to groundwater recharge in Delhi.

The ground water behavior in the Indian sub-continent is highly complicated due to the occurrence of diversified geological formations with considerable lithological and chronological variations, complex tectonic framework, climatological dissimilarities and various hydrochemical conditions.

The revised master plan for artificial recharge to groundwater has been made for the whole country at the level of district/Block. The plan is macro plan formulated to work out the feasibility of various structures for the different terrain conditions of the country and respective estimated cost.

In West Bengal, ground water level monitoring is being carried out by Central Ground Water Board, Eastern Region from 1500 Ground Water Monitoring Wells covering all districts of West Bengal encompassing various hydrogeological and agro-climatic zones during the month of April, 2019, August, 2019, November, 2019 and January, 2020.

To build a realistic ground water management strategy, assessment of ground water availability and its quality is a pre-requisite. With this in view, Central Ground Water Board has established a network of Ground Water Monitoring Wells (GWMW) tapping different aquifers in the State.

Dissemination of technical information in a way that is very useful to the user agencies is an important aspect that plays a vital role in the safe and optimal development of groundwater resources of our country. As an effort in this direction, Central Ground Water Board is bringing out “Groundwater Year Book” each year.

Inspection report of Trident Complex of M/s Trident Limited, Mansa Road, Village-Dhaula, District Barnala, Punjab. This was in pursuance to the NGT order of December 4, 2019 in the matter of O.A. No. 689 of 2019 in the matter of Beant Singh Bajwa Vs State of Punjab & Others. The NGT had called for a fresh, independent and comprehensive inspection report from the Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) to ascertain the factual situation especially on extraction of groundwater by the unit.

Water being a State subject, initiatives on sustainable water management including conservation and water harvesting in the Country is primarily States’ responsibility. However, the important measures taken by the Central Government for conservation, management of ground water and effective implementation of rain water harvesting in the country are at the following URL:
