Strange ailments have besieged a town of Nigeria that was used as a dump site for hazardous waste

Government agencies had sponsored the study but were not interested in the results

• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are highly toxic chemicals whose production and use has been banned all over the world. • PCBs are heat resistant, but when they burn at high

Used as coolants and for insulation, polychlorinated biphenyls are highly toxic

US rivers and lakes are poisoned by PCBs

PCBs have invaded the Arctic

Implementing bans needs commitment

Azo dyes have finally been banned in India as they are carcinogenic

The Gujarat unit of People's Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) recently filed a petition in the High Court of Gujarat against the state government, the commissioner of industries and

A cyanide spill in the Guijiang river near Wuzhou city in southwestern Guangxi province recently resulted in the death of a large number of fish in the river and suspension of water supply by
