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A U.S. government panel of air-pollution experts urged the Environ-ental Protection Agency to accelerate its research into possible health problems posed by tiny soot particles, despite a

Living close to an oil refinery does not increase a person's risk of developing cancer of the blood or lymph glands, British scientists said. "There is no evidence of association between residence

People who are severely injured in accidents or in battle can sometimes function normally for surprisingly long periods before they report a sensation of pain. It seems the body has the ability to

The European Commission(EC) has ruled out the Coca Cola's contention that the health problem in France, Belgium and other European countries originated from sub-standard gas which was used to put

The leader of the deliberative wing of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Mr Shanti Desai, has criticised Delhi health minsiter Ashok Walia for failing to release the report of the committee founded

The Comptroller and Auditor General(CAG) has criticised the Bihar Health Department for the sharp increase in malarial deaths and extremely high annual parasite (API) saying this showed there has

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced it was banning blood donations from those who lived in Britain for over six months from 1980 to 1996. "The FDA on Wednesday issued reduce

People with inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease, are being treated with doses of paasitic worms with promising results. Researcher claim the worms naturally damp down the body's

Beedi, the rural cousin of cigarette, is turning the western world on its head. The natural tobacco wrapped artfully in beedi leave,s grown in the northern parts of India, has become the ultimate

If variety is the spice of life, there is life in spice as well. More specifically, in chillies. Scientists at Allahabad say that eating chillies is good for your health . More so in hot climes.
