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Sometime in the next week or so, the population of India, which adds more people to the world each year than any other nation, will officially cross the 1 billion mark, just in time for Indian

Thailand's Food and Drug Administration yesterday eased controls on imports of Belgian chocolates without milk and foodstuffs with less than 2% egg content. Siriwat Tiptharadol, deputy

The Union government's latest directives on blood goes against the Supreme Court ruling of July 25, 1997 which sought to ensure safe blood. Doctors say the government has not made screening for the

State leaders in Australia last night condemned the Federal Government for snubbing their request for a national inquiry into the health system. The Premiers of Victoria, South Australia, Western

Japan's Health and Welfare Ministry research team recently reported that an outbreak of Q-fever, a rare disease contracted from animals that causes pneumonia and hepatic disorder, is

Genetic medicines that would allow people with heart failure to grow new heart-muscle tissue could be as little as two years away, researchers say. The technique, which could make

A German was quarantined after a friend who accompanied him to West Africa was rushed to a hospital with a mysterious illness that doctors feared could be the killer ebola virus. Ebola one of the

Recently the researchers been able to manipulate cells cells to form specific tissues, opening up a realm of possibilities. Large steps toward that goal have already been taken. In the U.S. a team at

Thailand's Food and Drug Administration yesterday eased controls on imports of Belgian chocolates without milk and foodstuffs with less than 2% egg content. Siriwat Tiptharadol, deputy

The maternity, neonatal, gynecology and emergency wards at Doctor Max Peralta Hospital in the colonial capital of Cartago (Costa Rica) have been temporarily closed, while officials attempt to isolate
