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The milk mafia of Uttar Pradesh is spreading providentially countrywide consciousness about the literally killer instinct of the avaricious . In spite of the Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav's "samajwadi"

kit to detect adulteration launched : Bombarded with reports like these, the scare about circulation of milk adulterated with chemicals in the Capital appears to be on an all-time high. The public

If the summer brings unusually hot spells, look out for a boom in baby boys next spring. According to a scientist in Germany, boys are more likely to be conceived just after a heat wave, while

A two-day consultation programme of NGOs in Chennai has brought to light increasing instances of female foeticide in Usilampatti taluk of Madurai.This has been seen as a direct consequence of misuse

A US federal advisory board on Thursday voted unanimously to add second-hand smoke to a list of known human carcinogens in a decision that could bolster federal efforts to curtail

experts: A galaxy of distinguished international genetic scientists on the concluding day of the fourth international symposium on genetics, health and diseases unanimously adopted a 10 point

An 18 month old child with liver failure got a fresh lease of life after his father donated a portion of his own liver to him. The liver transplant from father to son was the first of its kind in the

Kalita: The Health Minister, Dr Kamala kalita informed the Assam State Assembly that so far this year 585 persons have died of gastroenteritis in the state, of which, 354 died in the tea

Scientists have discovered why some people who are infected with the AIDS virus have a rapid downhill course, becoming gravely ill and dying within a few years, while most infected people live for

On the roads of North Carolina it is not unusual to see cars sporting bumper stickers that pointedly proclaim "Tobacco pays my bills" or "I smoke and I vote." This state in United States leads in the
