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Workers at the Department of Energy's Paducah, Ky., uranium plant filed a $10 billion lawsuit against three U.S.government contractors yesterday, accusing them of deliberately

Scientists are beginning to investigate systematically what leads some patients in the grips of a grave illness to give up the will to live, and how a longing for death may either fade or remain

A 'local' doctor in Meghalaya takes on cases modern medicine has given up on : a

David Byrne, European Union commissioner designate for consumer protection, signalled a toughening of laws and measures on the use of antibiotics and said he would soon bring forward a white paper on

Happiness could prove to be a component of breast milk called Hamlet. A few years ago, researchers in Sweden made the remarkable, and largely ignored, discovery that breast milk was highly efficient

Tata Consultancy Service(TCS), which was given the mandate to prepare a report on hospital computerisation in the State, has worked out a two-phased programme. According to government sources, the

The Darpana Academy of Performing Arts and the Unicef will launch a project on malnutrition, which is prevalent even in urban centres of Gujarat. Over 30 per cent of the children boron in the state

Groundwater contamination with arsenic, hitherto believed to be confined to West Bengal, has now been detected in Madhya Pradesh, according to a report that warns that many more states in India could

The threat of a crippling, multibillion-dollar verdict against the tobacco industry vanished yesterday when a Florida appeals court ruled that damages in a path-breaking lawsuit may not be awarded in

A new computer virus has been identified that infects Microsoft Word documents and threatens to wipe out computer hard drives on December 13.However, expert agreed on Thursday the threat has been
