Enable Block: 

The drinking water supplied by Metrowater is found to be infested with "red-coloured worms" in several pats of the city. While the live, mobile worms rung alarm bells a couple of months back, it

Asthma, the single most common respiratory disorder among occupational diseases, is the focus of the 1999 Labor Day CheckList issued by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

There has been a mixed response to a recent ban on smoking in public places in Kerala. The Kerala High Court passed the order on July 21 on a public interest

More than 85 per cent child deaths in hospitals are due to genetic defects and 9 per cent due to infectious diseases. This was pointed out by Dr M. Katz, president of the World Alliance of

Despite there being no apparent letup of Dengue 2 in the Pacific coastal region of Puntarenas (Costa Rica), the Ministry of Health this week said it has the situation under control. "The cases have

A number of cheap chemical substances being widely used to add colour to various dishes and eatable items - zarda, rice, sweets, etc - are not fit for human consumption, says a study carried out by a

The United States has all but stamped out measles, recording only 100 cases last year--the lowest number on record--with most of the infections brought into the country from abroad, the government

The"window of opportunity" to bring the dreaded HIV under control in India would close if the AIDS Control Programme failed to check the increasing prevalence of the disease, a senior health ministry

The use of a living donor to provide a liver transplant for an adult, has been performed fewer than 100 times in the United States over the last year and a half, at only a few medical centers. It is

Even as the action plan to control the spread of viral fever and malaria in the agency area of Pederuin the district is yielding positive results, there has been an increase in the instances of fever
