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The Delhi high court has directed the state governemnt to consider the possibility of subsidising the important medicines which were extremely costly and cannot be provided free of cost by hospitals

Viagra may help millions of men and even some women. But there are some risks to taking Viagra that everyone, should consider before rushing to the

The Government is considering to levy a processing charge for blood being supplied by the government hospitals, a senior health ministry official has

A research group from Kyushu University said it has developed a high performance artificial liver for treatment of fulminant hepatic failure, where patients fall into a coma due to a sudden severe

High incidence of gastroenteritis was reported in some parts of the city with the admission of around 200 cases during the last two days at the Fever hospital, in Hyderabad at Nallakunta.According to

Dengue cases have risen sharply in Singapore and if not checked would reach a record this year, the Sunday Times reported. It quoted the environment ministry as saying there were 1,786 cases in the

India will soon have to import blood worth thousands of crores annually because of shortage resulting from short-sighted policies. Leading social activists trace the policies to a public interest

Recent studies questioning the effectiveness of some mental disorder drugs and some cancer screening are casting doubts on parts of Japan's approach to health

On Oct. 16, 1997, the Organ Transplants Law went into effect, clearing the way for organ transplants from donors who have been determined brain dead. Although it has been more than a half-year since

Researchers have found a way to use a drug to help people avoid strokes by keeping open the blood's channels to the brain. Dr. Bankole Johnson, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral
