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Brain cells from newly aborted human foetuses may soon become unnecessary in tranplant operations to treat illnesses such as Parkinson's disease and Huntington's chorea. The British Association

A nod of approval from a U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory committee means that tamoxifen, a powerful drug now given to some women to prevent a recurrence of breast cancer, may soon become

People with severe snoring problems sleep better and feel more rested after radio wave energy is used to shrink their soft palate tissue, a doctor has reported. In the treatment, a doctor inserts a

Had the Delhi Government acted on the Comptroller and Auditor General's (CAG) report, critising the Prevention of food adulteration (PFA) department, many dropsy deaths could have been prevented.

The AIDS situation in the state has been grim with 14 deaths and 27 positive AIDS cases detected till April 30 this year throughout the state. Assam now stands next to Manipur in this regard in the

AIDS, the most dreaded disease of the last few decades has established its roots in Western Madhya Pradesh at an alarming rate. Even though the entire State is in the grip of the disease, the

Doctors in Germany claim to have found a permament cure for high blood pressure. They perform surgery to relieve the compression of nerves by arteries in the patient's neck, a disorder that is

Measles cases are showing a sharp increase in the country. The government, in a note, has warned that large-scale outbreak of the disease may occur next year, if immmediate steps are not taken. The

A 'mad cow' disease expert has warned that the presence of the fatal sickenss in sheep could be dangerous to humans and might therefore constitute a 'national emergency' in

Britain leads the world in cutting deaths from smoking, the British Association's annual science conference in Cardiff heard. Richard Peto, professor of medical statistics at Oxford University,
