Countering decades of promoting "breast is best" for infant nutrition, the United Nations is issuing recommendations intended to discourage women infected with the AIDS virus from breast-feeding.
A blood substitute, that is as effective as normal human blood, has been found. Reports from Chicago quoted a study reported in the August issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons as
The population of quacks in Delhi is estimated to be a staggering 30,000 and the number is increasing with no effective legislation to curb their activities. The Quackery Prohibition Act, 1997,
Russian and American engineers have teamed up to develop a new, natural feeling prosthetic foot. It was invented in the mid 1970s by Mark Pitkin, a Russian born professor of mechanical engineering at
A joint research team from Kanazawa University and the Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy said it has developed an effective type of cancer vaccine that boosts the body's capacity to mount an anti-cancer
The health ministry's recent decision banning the export of new drug molecules from India is set to erupt into a major controversy with the domestic pharma industry already facing the threat of
Unicef : High incidence of malnutrition in South Asian countries has been a major cause for concern calling for immediate steps to contain the malaise with nutritionists trying to find the root
Until the edible oil control order is imposed in the Capital, Delhi government's health department says it is unable to impose a ban on the sale of brands of other vegetable oil, samples of which
Even as Gujarat health and food and drugs administrations were rattled by the FDA laboratory in Vadodara confirming that dropsy had indeed struck, five more cases were reported from Dhansura, taking