Enable Block: 

Announcing its mineral-linkage policy, the Odisha government has entrusted the Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC), a state government-owned company, to act as a nodal agency to ensure long-term raw ma

Mines minister assures to consider demand for taxing super normal profits

Shah panel report finds big miners like Tata Steel, Essel Mining operating in eco-sensitive zone

Odisha submits all documents sought by the enquiry panel

The team will verify the allegations pertaining to violation of Rule 37 of MCR -1960 during their field visit

BHUBANESWAR: The steel ministry's move to rekindle its idea of ultra mega steel plants through the most profitable company under its charge could thwart Anglo-Australian firm Rio Tinto's nearly two

At least 5 mn tonne of ore is stacked at various sites of AMTC and KJS Ahluwalia group mines because of Supreme Court suspension order

The court order assumes significance as the mine with chrome ore reserves in excess of 85 mn tonnes sought third renewal of the said mine

The state mines department has set an internal timeline to restart operation at 18 more mines, which were closed by the Supreme Court order, pending second and third renewal of their lease terms, b

As legal complications galore
