Rising levels of "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere will lead to further depletion of earth's protection ozone layer and could produce an Arctic "ozone hole" equivalent to the one already appearing
In late 1997, larger levels of ozone depletion were observed over the Arctic than in any previous year on record. Now, using climate models, a team of scientists reports why this may be related to
Ecology sells! Or so refrigerator manufacturers hope. They have launched a spate of eco-friendly CFC-free(Chloro Fluro Carbons) refrigerators in the Indian market in the last few months. And their
In an exclusive arrangement, the World Bank has provided around Rs 105 crore in the form of grant to the Industrial development Bank of India (IDBI) for funding phasing out of ozone depletion
Global changes in climate and ozone depletion was affecting chemical and biological conditions in the oceans, according to Prof A R Subramaniam, president of Visakhapatnam chapter of Indian
Domestic chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) manufacturers have alleged that they are neither getting funds nor know-how from the West to develop CFC substitutes as provisioned under the Montreal
Phaseout schedule of choloro flurocarbons in India : The government of India is set to announce the industry specific phase out schedule for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone depleting
A new ozone-destroying chemical has been found in the earth's atmosphere by Australian scientists, throwing repair of the ozone layer into doubt. A firefighting chemical suspected
The United Nations Development Prog-ramme (UNDP) has allocated US $100,000 to Vietnam to support the relief efforts for the typhoon-stricken areas in that country. Typhoon Linda which hit the