Enable Block: 

In its bid to get Gurgaon declared a 'Zero Tolerance Zone for Child Labour', the SNS foundation has expressed its desire to join hands with progressive minded schools managements and their respective

Rajasthan successfully experiments with the concept of bal panchayat, which involves children in the decision-making process at the village panchayat

The Government has received a pat from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) for its "successful efforts to combat bonded labour." Though the ILO has taken toe of India's two decade-long

Nepal's Parliament has banned bonded labour, following up a government fiat proscribing the oppressive practice to speed up the rehabilitation of freed slaves. The government had banned the practice

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) signed an agreement with the Child Development Society (CDS) to combat child labour in Nepal, states a press release issued by the organisation.

The British aided 100 million pound(Rs. 700 crores) rural livelihood project is expected to cover 17 tribal districts with an estimated population of 12.5 million. According to the project concept

The Society for the Protection of Rights of the Child (SPARC) has appealed to the UN Security Council to integrate specific measures to prevent the use of children as soldiers in the impending

The Indian People's Tribunal on Environment and Human Rights has charged the Madhya Pradesh government with blatantly violating the human rights of tribals and crushing their just struggle for tribal

A grand council of representatives of about 30 tribals in Kerala will be meeting in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday to chart out agitation programmes to press their demand for land and employment.

The Indian People's Tribunal on Environment and Human Rights (IPT) has concluded that there was no justification for the firing on tribals in Dewas district earlier this year in which at least four
