Action plan for rejuvenation of ponds by the Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Department of Science, Technology and Environment, government of Punjab dated March 31, 2020.

Water being a State subject, initiatives on sustainable water management including conservation and water harvesting in the Country is primarily States’ responsibility. Further, a number of States have done notable work in the field of water conservation/harvesting.

The Haryana Pond And Waste Water Management Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2020 is a Bill further to amend the Haryana Pond and Waste Water Management Authority Act, 2018.

The preparation of the State Action Plan for 2019-20 is aimed at achieving the desired outcomes under the key focus areas. The Empowered Committee (EC) has observed that the implementation of Rural Development Programmes had been outstanding in various States/UTs.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Others dated 03/02/2020 regarding water management in Delhi including rain water harvesting, revival of water bodies and use of treated water and control of illegal extraction of ground water.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jai Gopal Dhiman Vs Department of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Govt. of Punjab & Others dated 07/11/2019 regarding preponing of paddy planation from 20th June to 13th June will lead to depletion of ground water level.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News Item Published in “Hindustan Times” dated 19.06.2015 Titled “Dirty flows your drinking water” authored by Ritam Haldar” dated 11/09/2019 regarding contamination of ground water in Delhi.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News Item Published in “Hindustan Times” dated 19.06.2015 Titled “Dirty flows your drinking water” authored by Ritam Haldar” with Vinod Kumar Jain Versus NCT of Delhi & Others.

The state government’s ambitious plan to store water in the Yamuna floodplains received a fillip with the state cabinet approving an inter-departmental committee report which recommends giving farm

The Centre is set to initiate the Jal Shakti Abhiyan to ramp up rainwater harvesting and conservation efforts in 255 water-stressed districts from July 1, in line with the government’s promise to f
