A SEVEN-year-old female elephant and a four-month-old male calf were killed when they came in contact with a low-slung naked electrical wire at Parambi-kulam Wildlife Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu. They
THE Indian tiger has once again grabbed international attention - for all the wrong reasons. The last two months have seen a massive hype being bat up with the release of two controversial reports,
DOCS the use of ivory tusks of the prehistoric mammoth, whose fossils were excavated some 10 years ago, defy the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972? This is the question facing the Delhi
These Rules may be called Wildlife (Protection) Rules, 1995. They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires (a) “Act” means the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
In exercise of powers /conferred by Clause (a) of Subsection (1) of Section 63 of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules. These Rules may be called Wildlife (Specified Plants - Conditions for possession by licensee) Rules, 1995.
The Bhairu Lok Abhyaranya Dakav in Bhanwta, near Sariska, Rajasthan, is a sanctuary with a difference. It is a sanctuary declared, protected and managed by the people. "We call it the sonchidi, since
Our syllabi (for training forest officials) still have manuals written during the Raj S K Mukherjee Acting director, Wildlife Institute, Dehradun Why do you still train foresters in horseriding